By Guest Blogger Tamesha Quinnie
Have you ever felt that a friend or peer had something better than you? Better hair? Better grades? A better body? A better life or relationship? Or maybe you felt they had a better relationship with God. God spoke to my heart to share: "it is time to stop comparing yourselves to others." God made all of us unique and that is a part of the beauty of God. He loves diversity! God delights himself in our differences!
Comparing ourselves to others stems from insecurity. His people spend so much of their lives trying to be like the next person and never realizing their own beauty and talents. You get so focused on what you couldn’t do and trying to perfect those things that you ignore your own strengths. Get rid of insecurity! God is pleased with you and you are uniquely and beautifully made. From our talents, gifts, weaknesses and strengths, God is pleased with them all! And guess what? He approves of you! He is pleased with you and you are wonderfully and fearfully made! (Philippians 2:13) (Psalm 139: 14) In order to start living your full potential in God you have to have a good relationship with yourself!!
The Bible says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. You can’t correctly love others if you don’t accept yourself. I encourage you stop comparing yourself to others. It can drive you to competition, low self -esteem and jealousy. It's in the body of Christ way too much!

Take time to learn about your uniqueness and start counting the blessings that you have in your life and the fact that there is only one of you!
1. Change your self- talk! Tell yourself No more Stinking-thinking! There are so many ways to do this. You could write positive statements about your life and yourself on your bathroom mirror so you can see them as you get ready in the morning or at night.
2. Stop negative thoughts as they begin to form in your mind. As Christians we have the authority to cast down thoughts that do not line up with what God says about us. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
3. Read books about the power of positive thinking.
4. And most importantly my sisters pray and talk to your Heavenly Father. Confess to Him how you want to change your thought process and start embracing the way that He sees you! Ask him to help you see yourself the way that He sees you. That's my motto and I share it with everyone I encounter!
Let’s start today! What is one thing that you like about yourself?
This is so Powerful and coming from a Mighty woman of God! Elder Mesha (affectionately known as) I love you and I'm so proud of the way you allow the father to use you. You are so led by the spirit and I have always admired that about you, plus you posted this on my Birthday so it's extra special! Blessings!